Public draft of DRBD Users’ Guide released

A public draft version of the all-new DRBD Users’ Guide has just been released. Feedback is more than welcome.

You may want to read the announcement as well.

3 Responses to Public draft of DRBD Users’ Guide released

  1. syncrou says:

    This is fantastic documentation. Many thanks to all who worked so hard on it.
    It has already answered a number of questions I’ve had.

    DRBD is a great solution.

    I really appreciate the detailed Users’ Guide.

  2. Theophanis Kontogiannis says:

    I whish this excelent and detailed document was released prior to the start of my efforts to configure DRBD. It would save me weeks of trial and error based setup and configuration.

    Thank you for your time and effort

  3. Wow! This is great. I too took many hours digging and experimenting to better fully understand drbd. (I have no regrets though 🙂 Now there is a book! Brilliant!

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